Monthly Archives

February 2015

Standing Twist Ab Workout

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We’re still trying to get our torso tight without having to get our crunch on. Because our office trainer is sick of hearing us complain about our not ready bikini bodies, but hating sit ups she came up with a series of no sit up ab work outs. Tess tells us side bends are not only great for your ab’s, but you’re also going to be working your back and obliques with this full range of motion! Here’s Tess’s tips for perfect standing torso twists:

  • Engage your abs and stand with feet hip width apart with 5 or 10 lb. dumbbells
  • Keep your arms straight and pelvis stable while you slowly rotate from left to right
  • Keep your abs pulled towards your spine as you rotate from side to side

Valentine’s Day Delight

By | Eat | One Comment



We’re giving you the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for anyone you love enough to give them a treat with out the worry of added weight.  And it’s finally a Valentines gift you won’t have to throw away if the relationship doesn’t make it past February.

Greek Yogurt and Chia Pudding with Raspberry Puree (For 2):

  • ½ cup of coconut milk
  • ½ cup non-fat vanilla Greek yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey
  • 2 tablespoons of chia seed

Raspberry Puree: 

  • 1 cup raspberries
  • 2 teaspoons honey


  1. In a small bowl, combine coconut milk, Greek yogurt, 1 tablespoon honey and chia seeds. Refrigerate overnight.
  2. Place raspberries and 2 teaspoons honey in a bowl. Use a spoon to crush raspberries and mix honey.
  3. Divide chia pudding into two cups. Top with raspberry puree.
  4. Serve

Side Bend Ab Workout

By | Train | One Comment


We get so tired of sit ups and curls, so we turned to our in house fitness pro Tess to help us work our pouch on our feet. Tess says, “This exercise will work your obliques and help you stretch at the same time. Do these reps slowly in a controlled motion.” 

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart with 5 lb. dumbbells
  • Bend sideways to the right, squeezing your waist on the right side. Keep your neck as neutral as possible, looking forward not down
  • Pull the left ribs down to return to standing upright. This focuses the work on the left obliques
  • Repeat for a total of 12 bends to the right, then switch sides
  • Do three sets