Meet Tess! Our fitness guru around the Color Me Rad office. As an avid trainer and fitness enthusiast, Tess knows what works in the gym. We’re lucky enough to have her take us, step by step, through some of her favorite go-to moves!
These leg workouts are easy to do with a box or any chair in your house (just make sure it’s stable!). The goal is to do each exercise, on each side, 10 times. If 10 reps is too much, don’t worry; start with 5 reps first to get comfortable with the movements and to make sure that you are able to balance without dropping your chest or moving your feet. Try to work up to repeating the whole circuit 3 times.
Tips for a Perfect Split Squat:
Keep your chest up and core engaged. make sure your front foot is a large step’s length away from the box. Don’t let your knee go over your toes at the bottom of the squat.
Tips for a Perfect Elevated Leg Lift:
Keep your head neutral; be sure to create a flat line from your head to your toes. Make sure your core is engaged. Try to lift your leg so it’s pointed to the ceiling, and be sure to drop it slowly back to the box.
Tips for a Perfect Step Up:
Keep your head lifted and don’t drop your head down.
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